Official Electronic Trading Journal:

FPL Training Workshop - Mumbai

Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Mumbai
Friday 7 March, 2008; 9:00am - 1pm

Following the strong interests in FIX Protocol, FPL Asia Pacific Education and Marketing Committee is hosting a half day training workshop in Mumbai this march.
The training course will provide the necessary know-how of FIX and the key implementation issues. The training workshop is suitable for any technical personnel from both buy-side and sell-side firms who are interested to know more about the FIX Protocol. Previous knowledge of FIX Protocol is not required.
The training workshop is FREE OF CHARGE (pre-registration and approval required). We will inform you via email on or before 25th February.
    FIX General Introduction
    What is FIX?
    Who created it?
    The Growth of FIX
    Why Use FIX
    Why do we use it? Benefits of FIX
    FIX in Detail
    FIX message types, components, layers, and business flows
    The FIX Engine
    What is a FIX engine?
    What does it do?
    What does it Not Supposed to do?
    How does it interact with the rest if the trading environment?
    The FIX Session Layer
    What is "Session Layer"
    Message types in the FIX session Layer
    The FIX Application Layer
    What is "Application Layer"?
    Messages and business flows
    Customization of messages
    Connection Types
    Counterparty Connections
    Rules of Engagement
Ian Richardson
Head of Professional Services EMEA
NYFIX Global Services
Ian Richardson manages the development, delivery, and support of NYFIX client solutions across EMEA.
As a recognised FIX expert, Ian has contributed to and developed a broad range of FIX training programmes offered by NYFIX globally to support the needs of the financial market today.
Ian's in depth experience also includes seven years at JP Morgan Investment Management where he worked on the design, implementation and support management of a multi-asset class FIX enabled Order Management System.
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